5:22 am - Friday January 24, 2025

Expansion Projects

CDC has recently engaged several expansion projects in the rubber, oil palm and banana sectors to improve on its production to meet up with demands and in compliance to government’s recommendations. Other objectives of the projects are to extend the CDC area of production into new rural areas, create more jobs, assist small holders by a well established sustainable scheme.


The projects so far embarked on include the following:

The Matouke Rubber Project was launched in 2007 with the first plantings in 2008. It was designed to develop 6,000Ha of rubber in five years. It’s situated in the Bona Lea Sub-Division, in the Moungo Division of the Littoral Region and belongs to the uni-modal agro ecological zone of Cameroon. The Project that employs more than 610 permanent workers, has planted so far 1,712Ha and opening which is the first tapping will start in 2015.

More than 312 camp rooms have been constructed for workers. Electricity is supplied to the camps with a generator and potable water through a bore hole with solar panel energy.


The Donga Mantung Expansion Project, which started in 2011 is designed to develop 10,000Ha small holdings in the Donga Mantung Division of the North West Region. There is on site, a nursery of oil palm seedlings from CDC to cater for the smallholding project.


The Manyu Expansion Project that was also launched in 2011 is designed to develop 10,000Ha of both oil palm and rubber   smallholdings in the Manyu Division of the South West Region. Two CDC nurseries for rubber and oil palms seedlings are also on site for both smallholding projects.