6:55 am - Monday February 10, 2025



“Unity and Solidarity”



  1. To bring together wives of supervisory and management staff in a common forum where they can carry out philanthropic activities and charitable works.
  2. To offer wives of CDC employees’ opportunity to know themselves, support each other morally, financially and spiritually.
  3. To help the needy in the CDC environment and out of the Corporation.
  4. To educate, empower each other and carry out projects where necessary.
  5. To exchange ideas and enjoy themselves.
  6. To meet monthly at zonal levels and quarterly rotating from one zone to the other.



The club was founded in 1981 by the wife of the then General Manger of CDC, Mrs Elizabeth Ngu. She brought together wives of supervisory and management staff to organize themselves into an association whose aim is to reach out to the less needy women and to carryout projects in terms of education, provision of social to help the less privileged. Meetings were held on a monthly basis in any Estate as decided by the president. The presidents of the association have always been wives of the current General Managers. Some pioneer members amongst others includes; Mrs Kabuin Veronica (Vice President), Mrs Carlson Martha (Secretary), Mrs Joana Foncha (Social Secretary), Mrs Enie Ruth, Mrs Kwashie Anna, Mrs Nkefua Mary and Mrs Agbor Mary.


To be eligible for membership, one must be legal wife of a CDC employee of category 9 and above who is interested in the club and termination of membership shall be upon the retirement, death, resignation or dismissal of a member’s husband. An excessive violation of the constitution e.g. theft, fighting, persistent absenteeism can also lead to termination of membership.


The seat of the association is in BOTA and motto is UNITY AND SOLIDARITY. To ease the administration of the association, members have are grouped into five zones which were further divided into the Southern and Northern zones;



  1. LIMBE ZONE – Group Oil palm Office, Head office, Bota Palms estate, Debundscha palm estate, Idenau Palms estate and Mill);
  2. TIKO ZONE – Likomba/Sonne Rubber Estate, Mondoni Palms Estate, Banana Project, Misselllele rubber Estate, Group Rubber Office and Factory, Medicals and any other services within the zone;



  1. EKONA ZONE – Mungo Palms Estate, Malende Rubber Estate, Meanja Rubber Estate, Matouke Rubber Estate and project, Kompina Rubber Estate, Pendamboko Rubber Estate and factory;
  2. MUKONJE ZONE – Tombel and mukonje Rubbers estates and medical.
  3. BOA ZONE – Mbonge Rubber Estate, Boa Project and Illoani palms estate.


Zonal meetings are held regularly every month while regional meetings which involve all the zones are held on a quarterly basis in each zone following the hosting register.



  • Donation of beds to the CDC cottage hospitalBotaClinic
  • The Construction of the “Solidarity Ward” at the CDC Cottage Hospital, Tiko
  • Construction of the “Unity Block” at the CDC Bota Clinic, Limbe
  • Gifts to the Bota and Mbonge Clinics
  • Support to victims of fire, flood accidents etc.
  • Aids to the less privileged women and children within and out of the Corporation
  • Gifts to orphanages, prisons and patients.




The women are engaged in many social activities like, inter zonal competitions, parties, site seeing (visits to Bamenda, Dschang, Ndu, the seaside resort town of Kribi and even out of the country for a one week trip to Togo).


Hobby: Sports, Swimming, dancing